Posts Tagged ‘ Practice Marketing ’

Best Dental Hashtags

Top Hashtags for a Dental Practice How to use hashtags for your dental practice Love ‘em or hate ‘em, hashtags are here to stay. They were first introduced in 2007, and they’ve become a game changer in the social media marketing world ever since. Use them correctly, and you’ll engage patients and reach new ones. […]

Reach More Patients with Video

Grow your practice with video marketing Using video to highlight your office It sounds overwhelming. You don’t know where to start. You really just want to focus on providing your community with quality dental care, but you can’t ignore the stats: 87% of your competitors are marketing via video. The simple mention of video in […]

5 Proven Ways to Get More Online Reviews

5 Proven Ways to Get More Online Reviews Did you know an online review is just as important as a personal recommendation? Online reviews have become yesterday’s word-of-mouth, and research says that 92% of consumers look for reviews before considering a product, service or company, and that goes for dental and medical practices too. If […]

PBHS Presents Dr. Sharon Russell

PBHS was honored to receive these kind words from one of our clients, Dr. Sharon Russell. Here’s what she said: PBHS is truly an outstanding and exceptional company! As a surgeon and owner of The Maryland Oral Surgery Group, I was in need of marketing material and a public forum. I am truly blessed to have been introduced to PBHS! Of course […]