Archive for the ‘ Social Media ’ Category

Nextdoor: The Next Step in Dental Marketing

Nextdoor: The Next Step in Dental Marketing How are you putting your practice out into the world – or better yet, your surrounding neighborhoods? Meet Nextdoor, a hyperlocal social network and app for communities to build trusted connections, share recommendations and reviews, and exchange helpful information, goods, and services[i]. Think of it as a neighborhood […]

ADA TV – Your Waiting Room Superhero!

Your New Superhero! – ADA TV, the Greatest in Waiting Room Tech What if the dental patients in your waiting room did more than just wait? What if they could be entertained, educated, and enabled to learn more about your top procedures, and all you had to do was plug a tiny, hi-tech computer stick […]

Top 6 Things to Consider When Creating Your Dental Practice’s Brand

Top 6 Things to Consider When Creating Your Dental Practice’s Brand How you can make your practice’s brand stand out Branding and rebranding are words we hear frequently these days—and for good reason. Research shows that more people (around 59%) choose a business that they are familiar with over one they don’t know. After all, […]

Dental Reputation Marketing Tips for 2021

Dental Reputation Marketing Tips for 2021 Launch Survey – Your Best Way to Manage your Online Reputation When it comes to dental website visibility and converting more of your online visitors to new patients, a robust reputation management strategy driven by an easy-to-use engagement platform is a crucial component of a thriving practice. Over 92% […]