Hundreds of comments and feature requests from our existing users have helped us develop this major architectural update to iConsultOMS®.
iConsultOMS is now based upon the same platform as iConsult Enterprise®, the application utilized by our Hospital based clients. A completely redesigned form signing system, full HIPAA compliancy and over a hundred new OMS procedural animations, are just a few of the great new features included in this update.
If you have the current version (2.0) of iConsultOMS installed on your iPad you can update to 3.0 by going directly to the App Store icon on your iPad and clicking “Update All”. If you do not have the app currently installed, you can follow the link below to download it from the app store.
Click to Download iConsult v3.0 Now
Please contact PBHS Sales if you would like to purchase an iConsultOMS license. We will immediately assign you a username and password for activation. Please note that iConsult v3.0 requires and iPad 3.0 or higher.
With it’s advanced enterprise design, breakthrough technology, and amazing built-in functionality, iConsult v3.0 enhances the way you consult. Explore the possibilities at:
To order, Please Contact PBHS Sales at 1-800-840-5383 Today!