There are various methods used to improve a dental website’s search engine optimization. One valuable aspect of PBHS’s Social Media SEO campaign is a practice blog. Your blog can be implemented directly within the site map of your dental website. Blog features include creating an active community within your site, “crawlable” content, and the consistency of fresh content, which are all valuable enhancements for your SEO campaign.

PBHS provides our clients with blogs where visitors can comment on posts and take part in discussions. Search engines in turn will reward the site based on the activity signals produced by these communications. Blog sites tend to link to each other more often and more readily than standard websites do, increasing your chances of obtaining inbound links from other blogs.

Structured content is another important feature of PBHS website blogs. Categories for topics create a “road map” more easily read by search engines. If you can make your content easier for search engines to understand and categorize, you have a much better chance of ranking better for the topics of your posts. The blog software used by PBHS offers an uncomplicated structure, also adding to its ease of “crawlability”.

Both search engines and your visitors are attracted by fresh content and will make repeat visits to your site for updates. Because the search engine will be crawling your page more frequently, your new content will be searchable more quickly. The consistency of fresh contributions is also indicative of a more authoritative website. Adding a blog to your site will also make your site available within search engines geared specifically to blogs.

PBHS can incorporate a blog with these benefits directly into your dental website design. For more information on our dental website design and utilizing social media campaigns, call 800-840-5383 or visit

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