7 Reasons Dental & Medical Specialists Need SEO

7 Reasons Dental & Medical Specialists Need SEO   At this very moment, prospective patients in your area are searching online for services you offer. How do you ensure your practice’s website shows up first in a Google search, before your competition?   The answer is—a strong SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy complete with on-page […]

Facebook LIVE Tips & Tricks

Facebook LIVE Tips & Tricks Hosting your first Facebook LIVE event By now, you’ve probably heard about Facebook Live – Facebook’s live video streaming tool that generates 6x as many interactions as regular videos. Facebook Live can help your practice reach new audiences while promoting interactive conversations with your fans in real time. We know […]

How Facebook and Instagram Ads Work for Your Practice

How Facebook and Instagram Ads Work for Your Practice   Put simply, you need to market your practice where patients are spending the most time. The unique features of social media advertising can connect patients directly to your practice—at a lower cost than other forms of digital advertising.  Patients are already spending hours on these […]

Website Live Chat for Dental and Medical Practices

7 Reasons Why Your Dental Practice Needs Launch Chat In our fast-paced world, everyone wants answers now, and Launch Chat does just that, providing current and prospective patients with real-time, 24/7 online reception so that appointments can be scheduled immediately and questions answered, all while they are browsing your website. This powerful online staffing service […]

Google+ Shutdown and What You Need to Know

Google+ Shutdown and What You Need to Know You may have heard the news – Google+ is officially shutting down on April 2nd. How will this effect your practice? We’re here to answer some of the most common questions. What is the shutdown? In March of 2018, the personal and private information of over 500,000 […]

A 5-Step Guide to The Ultimate Waiting Room Experience

A 5-Step Guide to The Ultimate Waiting Room Experience If your #1 goal is to reduce the amount of time patients spend in your waiting room, your #2 goal should be to reduce the perceived time patients spend waiting. According to the latest research, perceived wait time affects patient satisfaction more than actual wait time! […]

Optimizing for Voice Search in 2019

Optimizing Your Dental Website for Voice Search With all the attention that Amazon Alexa, Apple’s Siri, Google’s Home or even Microsoft’s Cortana is receiving, it’s important to project how usage of these AI systems will impact how patients find your practice. What is Voice Search? Voice Search is the ability of an AI device to […]

PBHS Launches Secure Drop™

Santa Rosa, CA, January 7, 2019 – PBHS, Inc. announced the launch of its drag and drop HIPAA compliant file transfer application, Secure Drop™.  Designed to quickly and easily distribute and share all types of digital radiography and documents, Secure Drop integrates seamlessly with the ADA Member Advantage Endorsed SecureMail and is a free PC […]

Best Dental Websites of 2018

Top 6 Dentist Websites by PBHS As 2018 comes to a close, our team at PBHS is proud to look back on the hundreds of unique custom dental websites we’ve developed and launched this past year. Below are a few that stand out in how they have differentiated their presence online through graphic elements, cutting […]