3 Ways to Communicate with Your Patients About the Coronavirus

What to do about COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Steps your dental or medical practice may need to take Are your patients asking you questions about the Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Are they cancelling their appointments? As the coronavirus continues to spread and questions arise, it’s important to have your practice prepared to respond in a helpful, calm, and reassuring […]

How to Keep your Dental Website HIPAA-Secure

Keeping Your Dental Website HIPAA Compliant What does it mean to have a secure website? As a dentist, you’re well aware of HIPAA, but in the far recesses of your mind, there’s an inkling of fear of what might happen if you don’t have the latest HIPAA compliant solution for your website. What is it […]

5 Reasons Your Dental Practice Needs Online Forms

The Top 5 Reasons Your Dental Practice Needs Online Forms   If your dental practice is still mailing new patients their forms or having them complete them in your waiting room, there’s an easier, more productive way!   You’ve built a well-designed website and taken the plunge into the social media scene, and now it’s […]

What Potential Patients are Looking for in a Dental Website

What Potential Patients are Looking for in a Dental Website How you can improve your website to help with your patient’s experiences If the primary purpose of your dental website is to attract prospects and convert them into appointments, you’ve got to know what those potential patients are looking for. What captivates and engages? What […]

The Easiest Way to Ask for Reviews

The Easiest Way to Ask for Reviews   Soliciting reviews can at times feel like herding cats. You know your patients are busy and just want to be cared for. Before they even leave your office, they’re already on their phones, messaging their friends and coordinating the remainder of their days’ activities.   But the value of […]

Trends That Will Affect Dental Marketing in 2020

The Marketing Trends Your Medical Practice Needs in 2020 Just as dental professionals are constantly evolving with the changes of the industry, digital marketers must keep up with changing algorithms, shifting user behaviors, and new platforms. Wondering what will give your dental practice an edge in the year ahead?  How to stay current, relevant, and […]

Pinterest Tips for Your Dental Practice

How to Utilize Pinterest for Your Dental Practice When social media platforms are presented as excellent marketing tools for dental practices, Pinterest isn’t often at the top of the list. In fact, you may be, right now, considering breezing right past this blog. Don’t do it. Pinterest’s user-base has nearly doubled in the last two […]

5 NEW Facebook Tips & Tricks for Dental Practices

5 NEW Facebook Tips & Tricks for Dental Practices Did you know that 7 out of 10 Americans have a Facebook account and three quarters of them check it daily? That means over half the people in your area could potentially see your practice’s Facebook posts every single day. Use our latest Facebook tips and […]